Integralna Dieta

Good Carbohydrates: brown rice, oatmeal, barley, apples, wholegrain
breads, oranges, berries of all varieties
Bad Carbohydrates: white bread, breakfast cereals, crackers, pasta,
refined sugars and flours

Good Fats: fish oils, flax seeds, olive oil
Bad Fats: margarine, fast food, trans fatty acids, saturated fats

Good Proteins: fish, egg whites, chicken breast, cottage cheese,
turkey breast, whey
Bad Proteins: processed proteins, soy protein isolates, most protein
bars, saturated fat proteins

Some things are universally agreed upon:
• Minimize bad fat (particularly trans-fats)
• Minimize simple carbohydrates
• Minimize low-quality processed and fast foods
• Control portion size
• Drink enough purified water

Ken Wilber "Integral Life Practice"


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